Sunday, February 24, 2013

Class 1: My Goals

Apparently the freaky girl does have certain goals
I've never seen anything of the like

The things I hope to find in this course are:

1. Myself

    Mr. Menard has mentioned that writing is all about experience;
    my experience.
    So through writing about myself in the form of personal narratives and such,
    perhaps I will be able to gain a better recognition of myself.
    Or my other self

2. The ability to write in the box while out of it

    not all types of writing are utterly up to the writer.
    Soon enough we'll have to write according to demands.
    I should learn to fulfill those demands.
    But at the same time,
    I wish for what I write in that box to be honest and brilliant.

3. An increase of vocabulary and a more fluid usage of the lot

    I know not of memorizing vocabulary.
    It seems like the perfect way to skitter away from English,
    and why would I ever want to lose my wonderland?
    I believe vocabulary should be gained naturally from various sources.
    I hope to learn more of it through reading other peoples writing,
    and struggling to incorporate the newly learned into mine.

That's pretty much all I can think of so far.

Mr. Menard and fellow v3 students,
I hope we have a good time in class! :))


  1. More than freaky you're just interesting kk

  2. 'memorizing' vocas...
    I learned one can achieve enough brevity with reading 'enough' books, in which 'enough' is the variation for your skill
