a bit about ganggangsullae itself:
Ganggangsullae is a group dance that used to be performed by women on the night of the full moon in August (lunar calander), mainly in the Honam regions. Nowadays, it is widespread and rather a national thing, done on Chusuk or the full moon of January according to the lunar calendar.
perhaps a bit more insight into where it came from?
It's origins are vague. There is the story that 이순신 devised it up as sort of a war strategy during 임진왜란, while some explain it in relation to folk etymology and say that it has to do with the invasion of the Chinese or the Japanese. But these theories are not said to have much credibility. It is also said to be related to the ancient 국중대회 of Gokuryeoh, the allad dance of 농공시필기 (a 마한 festival), or a gut dance of love.
what do the lyrics mean?
Ganggangsullae has many names according to the area it's been passed down in: ganggangsuwullae, guangguangsullae and guangguangsuwullae. Some interpret it (focusing on 'ganggangsuwullae') as 'strong barbarians are coming across the water(强羌水越來)'. But this ignored even the basics of chinese grammar.
Ganggangsullae was sung and loved by the people: ‘glee, anger, woe, joy, love, hate, desire (喜怒哀樂愛惡慾)’ is melted into it.
To take a look at some of the specific lyrics,
강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae Ganggangsullae
산아 산아 추영산 놀기 좋다 유달산아
Mountain, mountain, Mount Chuyoung,
Nice to play at, Mount Yudal
(Mt. Chuyoung is sometimes pronounced Mt. Suyoung, so it could indicate the mountain Suyoung is at.
Suyoung used to be somewhere near Mokpo today: Mt. Yudal is a mountain in Mokpo so that makes sense)
강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae Ganggangsullae
꽃이 피면 화산이요 잎이 피면 청산이라
If flowers bloom, it would be a flower mountain
If leaves did, it would be a green one
(seasons, meaning time in general, pass)
강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae Ganggangsullae
청산 화산 넘어가면 우리 부모를 모시려만
If we could get over the flower mountain, the green mountain,
we would be with and by our parents
(getting over the mountain means lasting through time,
so the whole stanza is saying 'when time passes, we will have to look after -well, not really look after: rather in a Confucius sort of sense- our parents)
강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae Ganggangsullae
우리 부모 명자씨는 어느 책에가 씌여 있나
Where are our parents' 명자씨(?) written
(명자씨 isn't quite clear but I think it just means 'name'
So this line could mean two things:
1. Where did we come from? In what 족보 -family tree book- are our parents' names written?
2. Our parents did not do anything to leave mark their names in history)
강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae Ganggangsullae
강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae Ganggangsullae
달 떠 온다 달 떠 온다 우리 마을에 달 떠 온다
The moon is rising, the moon is rising
In our village the moon is rising
강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae Ganggangsullae
푸릇푸릇 봄 배추는 이슬 오기를 기다린다
Green is the spring cabbage, awaiting morning dew
강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae Ganggangsullae
말 가는 데워낭 소리 우리 벗님 어디 가고
The horse goes 'neigh'
Where does our friend leave to
춘추 단절 못 오신다
Spring, summer, and 단절 cannot come
(or maybe actually)
He cannot come spring, summer, or 단절
(단절 is a term used by ginseng diggers to refer to the time of the year around 중복 -mid hottest day- when ginseng flowers and berries turn red)
강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae Ganggangsullae
하늘에는 별이 총총 대밭에는 대가 총총
In the sky, stars shine bright
In the bamboo field, bamboo stands strong
강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae Ganggangsullae
술래가 돈다 술래가 돈다 술래가 돈다
Around goes the tagger, around and around
무안강 술래가 돈다
The tagger of 무안river goes round
(무안 is a region in South Junra province, and I assume this to be that 무안)
강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae Ganggangsullae
강강술래 강강술래 강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae Ganggangsullae
Ganggangsullae Ganggangsullae
3. 강강술래
강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae Ganggangsullae
전라도 우수영은 강강술래
우수 of Junra is
우리장군 대첩지라 강강술래
the battleground of our general
장군의 높은 공은 강강술래
The high deed of his
천추만대 빛날세라 강강술래
will shine for generations
술래술래 강강술래 강강술래
sullae sullae ganggangsullae
술래소리 어딜갔나 강강술래
where did the sullae sound go
때만찾어 잘도 온다 강강술래
it comes very well on time
강강술래 강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae Ganggangsullae
강강술래 강강술래
뛰어보세 뛰어나보세 강강술래
Let's jump, jump, why not jump
윽신윽신 뛰어나보세 강강술래
Jumpedy dumpedy jump jump
높은마당이 얕어나지고 강강술래
The high yard will become shallow
얕은 마당이 깊어만지고 강강술래
Shallow yards will deepen
윽신윽신 뛰어나보세 강강술래
Jumpedy dumpedy jump jump
나주영산 진 골목에 강강술래
Deep in the allies of 나주영산 (places)
은또가리 팔에 걸고 강강술래
With a silver 똬리 hanging from her arm
(a 똬리 is a donut shaped tool used by
women to carry things on their heads)
지추 캐는 저 큰아가 강강술래
that big girl digging up 지추(a herb)
니야 집이 너 어데냐 강강술래
Where is your home
강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae Ganggangsullae
달떠 온다 달떠 온다 강강술래
The moon is rising, it is rising
동해 동창 달떠 온다 강강술래
Rising above the East Sea
저 달이 뉘달인가 강강술래
Whose moon is that
강호방네 달이라고 강강술래
It's the moon of 강호방
(강 is a sirname, and 호방 means a
certain status: an executive official
of a village)
강호방은 어디 가고 강강술래
Where has 강호방 gone
저달뜬줄 모른단가 강강술래
The moon knows not to rise
강강술래 강강술래
뛰어보세 뛰어보세 강강술래
Let's jump, jump
욱신욱신 뛰어보세 강강술래
Jumpedy dumpedy jump jump
먼데사람 듣기좋고 강강술래
Good sounds for the far away
곁에사람 보기좋네 강강술래
A good sight for the near
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